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Your #1 Resource for Chiropractic Education & Chiropractic Tools Online

TOOLS OF PRACTICE is so much more than education and compliance.
From Chiropractic billing and coding, to continuing education both online and in-person, we help you run the most efficient and effective practice possible.

Chiropractic Online CE Tools of Practice

Tools of Practice Memberships are for the ENTIRE office! Chiropractors to Chiropractic Assistants, Billing to Compliance, Training, FREE online Continuing Education Courses, an entire video library of trainings on-demand, in-person events, and unlimited email support.  All the tools needed for your entire team to run the most successful chiropractic office possible.


BENEFITS to you as a Chiropractic Member of TOOLS OF PRACTICE

Explore our membership benefits and connect with us as
we assist you in growing your Chiropractic practice.


Attend TOOLS OF PRACTICE events for free or at a hugely discounted rate. Most of our events offer PACE recognized CEUs.

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Online CEUs

You'll have access to a huge online library of PACE recognized CEUs - both on demand and live that cover a variety of current topics. Live Courses offer an opportunity for live Q&A.

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Additional Services

Get weekly tips and guidance on a variety of topics delivered right to your inbox. You also have access to ask experts  your specific practice questions directly. 

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Schedule an appointment with one of our founders today to discuss how our Privilege or Premium Membership can benefit your practice.


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